If you want to ask me something in person, want to say something about my blog or have any other requests you can contact me through hello(at)ausnahmsweise.at!
On my official website you will find the whole assortment of cakes and goodies I can bake for you and I am happy to get your personal order. Simply visit: http://www.ausnahmsweise.at
Here you can find the IMPRESSUM
Around that time I got diagnosed with my food allergies. Practically everything that I needed for baking was strictly forbidden from that point onwards and a small world came crashing down for me. I did not want to let go of my passion for baking though and that is why I started to search for new ways and ingredients. I found some english blogs on glutenfree or vegan baking but nothing that brought those two fields together. That was the starting point for my own experiments. Sometimes I would find a vegan recipe I found interesting and tried to also make it glutenfree and other times I would rebuild a glutnefree recipe to make it vegan. I have to admit the first few attemps were a disaster. My family was very supportive and tried all my experminets but they were not really edible. With every failed cake I learned something new though and after some time I started to get the first sucessful cake attempts out of my oven. I started to bake for friends with allergies and made individual goodies for them. The joy I saw when they were able to eat something sweet and really delicious was wonderful. I decided to share my gathered baking wisdom with other people in difficult dietary situations and took the decision to try to get the license to become a pastry chef.

After the regular food service license I got my pastry license restriced to glutenfree and vegan cakes. I presented my cakes at the pastry guild and was overjoyed when they gave me my license to actually sell my baked goods. First I started to sell at farmers markets on the weekends. I once again saw the delight in peoples faces when they ate my cakes, which enforced my decision to continue my path. Through the markets I got my first business clients and started to sell at their stores. So step by step everything got more and more real.
I also had the urge to study further though. So I went to the university of life sciences here in Vienna and started my master’s degree in environmental sciences. My professional path so far thaght me that personal purpose in the things I do and the feeling of adding value to the life of others is essential to me and my happiness. Environmental sciences was definetyl the right choice for me. I got a new perspective on the consequences our actions have on our environment and learned to see the small changes in everyday life that can make a huge difference. After finishing my master’s degree I thought long and hard about searching for a job concerning climate change but took the decision to stay with baking and building my business. So now I am trying to share my thoughts on conscious living with as many people as possible through my blog and personal conversation to slowly but steadily get people to think about their actions and the decisions they take every day.
So that is where I ended up so far. I deliver my cakes to Cafés and Bistros in Vienna to extend the range of products they have and to give people with dietary restrictions more options throughout town and I bake for parties and individual orders. I definetly have found my dreamjob. My baking and blog gives me the freedom to try out new recipes, give people joyful moments through my cakes and maybe change some habits little by little through tips on conscious living. It’s the perfect combination!