! I do not know any other country or nationality that loves poppyseed in desserts as much as austrians. I have to admit that the taste of those tiny little black seeds is rather special so it does not surprise me that I only ever meet people that either love or hate poppyseed. I love it every once in a while especially when combined with fruit.
So that is why I have decided to write the recipe for this juicy poppyseed pear tarte for you guys. During my time living in France I started to get to know the tiny secrets of tartes and also I discovered my love for them. The filling is the main attraction here and is only complemented by the crumbly shortcrust. For me it was the first time ever preparing a poppyseed filling and I was surely amazed by how easy and quick it was. If you prefer pears, apples or even peaches or apricots on top is up to you and of course the season but this dessert is sure to melt in your mouth.
100g rice flour
40g millet flour
90g corn starch
90g powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon Xanthan
1/16 teaspoon vanilla
a pinch of salt
some freshly grated lemon zest
20g apple sauce
90g margarine
** for one 24cm springform pan **
200g poppy seed (grated)
60g apple sauce
80g powdered sugar
100g margarine
1 teaspoon lemon juice
some grated lemon zest
some vanilla
a pinch of salt
3 ripe pears (middle sized)

For the shortcrust dough, mix rice flour, millet flour, cornstarch, powdered sugar, xantahn gum, vanilla, salt and lemon zest in a mixing bowl. Add the margarine (at room temperature) and apple sauce and knead everything into a smooth dough. Wrap it in foil and let the dough rest in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
Preheat your oven to 180 °C. Get your dough out of the fridge and knead it shortly to make it smooth again. Powder your working surface with cornstarch and with the help of a rolling pin flatten out your ball of dough. Put some baking paper into your springform pan and put your flattened dough inside.
With the help of a knife (to cut away overlapping dough at the edges) and your hands form a nice crust. When you are content with the form of your crust get a fork and pinch the base several times. Put your crust into the oven for about 15 minutes.
While your crust is baking you can start preparing your filling. Simply combine all the ingredients except for the pears in a mixing bowl and mix it until you have a smooth paste. After 15 minutes you can get the crust out of the oven and let it cool down for a bit.
As soon as the crust is not too hot to touch you can fill it with the poppyseed mixture. Cut your pears into stripes and arrange them in a nice circleform to your liking.
As a last step your tare has to bake again for approximately 30 minutes at 180 °C. As soon as the pears have a slightly golden colour it is ready to be taken out. You can enjoy it slightly warm or wait until cooled completly.
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