You can always decide between using frozen or fresh berries. Frozen blueberries are most of the time smaller than the fresh alternative and will colour your dough a lot more. So do not be alarmed if you use frozen berries and your dough looks different than in my pictures since I used fresh berries. I used fresh berries because they are in season right now an I love to eat some while baking! The coconut flavour in my recipe is achieved by using coconut milk and shredded coconut. I always use organic shredded coconut because the difference in quality and flavour between organic and conventional shredded coconut is huge. You can test it by buying both and tasting them shortly after one another. You will see that the organic shredded coconut is moist and fruity and has bigger chunks than the conventional alternative that is most of the time a waste product of another production process. As far as coconut milk is concerned I use products that I buy in the asiasupermarket. They are imported from Thailand and filled into tetrapack containers. With those products the fat and water part do not seperate easily and the consistency is more homogenous. If you are using a canned product and your coconut milk has seperated simply pour everything out and mix it until you reach a homogenous fluid again.
60g shredded coconut
60g rice flour
75g millet flour
60g corn starch
45g potatoe starch
100g sugar
1/2 + 1/4 teaspoon xanthan
3 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon gvanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
** for a 24cm cake **
** 12 miniatures **
75g oil
90g water
150g coconut milk
75g applesauce
3 teaspoon lemon juice
some lemon zest
fresh blueberries
3 tablesopoons lemon juice
15 tablespoons powdered sugar