Finally also in Vienna the sun started to shine more and more and I am definetly enjoying the days getting longer and warmer! People start going outside again and all of them seem friendlier and happier. With longer, warmer days also comes the time when fruit tastes amazing again. Strawberries are a summer crowdpleaser and put in a small glass like they are in this recipe they are also amazingly pretty. You can easily bring the glasses to a party or a friends garden or simply enjoy them at home. In any case they are definetly delicious!
Some time ago I discovered the powers of cashewnuts when it comes to mimicking dairy. What was strange to me at first soon became one of my favourite ways to make creamcheese, yogurt or cream and the best part is that these marvelous nuts are also high in unsaturated fats and very healthy. So my lovestory began and I started experimenting on new ways to make cheesecake. With a little bit of lemon zest and citric acid you can fool almost anyone. So today I took my favourite recipe for cheesecake creme and remodeled it into this summery strawberry dessert. The berries make it sweet and refreshing at the same time and I just love how the layers look.
Because I love layers so much you get three in this dessert. At the bottom there is the standrad lemony cashewcreme followed by a creme enhanced with fresh strawberries. To top everything off I puréed fresh strawberries into an incredibly fruity sauce. When it gets warmer outside it is nice to leave the oven turned off from time to time. Therefore this dessert only needs a fridge or freezer to prepare. It also can be stored in the fridge for a couple of days but if you are anything like me you will not need your fridge to keep them any longer than a day 🙂
80g cashew nuts
100g water
60g sugar
1/4 teaspoon citric acid
2 teaspoon lemon juice
zest of half a lemon
1/16 teaspoon ground vanilla
1/16 teapsoon salt
20g margarine
40g coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon phsyllium husk
1 teaspoon lecithine
300g strawberries
30g powdered sugar
some ground vanilla