The french tarte is a wonderful invention. The shortcrust pastry is heavenly light and the filling gives you a near to neverending variety of flavour options. For some time now I love to bake classic apple tarte because it is simple and delicous at the same time. But this week I had a lot of pears at home and wanted to create something sweet with them. And what suits pears better than some chocolate and nuts? So today I am going to share with you guys my version of pear tarte. For me the combination of chocolate fruit flavour is simply irresistable.
So the first step when making tarte is the shortcrust pastry. Vegan, glutenfree piecrust is different from regular piecrust so don’t be alarmed if your dough seems unusual to you. It is supposed to be very soft and very sticky so you wont roll it out but use it more like modelling clay and put it directly into your tartelette forms.
Shortcrust pastry
***** For 6 tartelettes with approximately 10cm diameter or 1 big tarte *****
40g rice flour
40g millet flour
100g cornstarch
60g potatoe starch
60g powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon xanthan (optional)
1/8 teaspoon real vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
180g margarine
20g rice sirup
some lemon zest
2 tablespoons icecold water
To prepare your shortcrust pastry mix all the dry ingredients to create your flour mix.
Put your flour mix on a clean countertop and form a hole in the middle.
Cut up your margarine into small pieces and put them together with the rice sirup and cold water into the previously prepared hole.
Knead your ingredients into a smooth dough. All the margarine pieces should be incorporated but be careful not to overknead the dough because it otherwise might not hold up while baking.
Put your pastry dough into a bowl and cover it with some foil. Then put it into the fridge to let it rest for about 1 hour.
After 1 hour shortly knead your dough again to make it easier to fill into forms.
For your tartelettes you should put about 80g of dough into each form (otherwise put your entire dough into your big tarteform). Use your fingers to model the dough into the forms and even it out on the edges.
Take a clean fork and prick some holes into the bottom of your tarteforms to let the air remove during baking.
Put your unbaked tartes back into the fridge to settle down a bit while you are preparing the filling.
6 tablespoons apricot jam
2 medium pears
2 tablespoons neutral oil
a pinch of vanilla
ea pinch of salt
40g walnuts
20g agave sirup
15g cocoa powder
2 tablespoons neutral oil
Pre-heat your oven to 180 °C.
Take one tablespoon of apricot jam and spread it on the bottom of every tartelette.
Cut your pears into thin slices and mix them in a bowl with the 2 tablespoons of oil, vanilla and salt.
In a different bowl mix the walnuts with cocoa, oil and agave sirup.
Now place a few slices of pear into every tartelette and put some of your walnut mixture on top.
Your oven should be ready now. So simply put your tartelettes into the oven for about 18-20 minutes. Your tartelettes are done when the crust is slightly golden brown and the filling developed into a homogenous perfect composition.
You can either enjoy your tartes lukewarm out of the oven or let them cool down for later 🙂
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I am Raphaela, self-employed pastry chef for vegan, glutenfree cakes from Vienna. Baking without grains that contain gluten or any animal related products such as dairy or eggs does not have to be though or a challenge at all. With my Blog I want to show you my personal take on vegan, glutenfree baking to make it easier for you to start to experiment yourself because there is an enormous variety of possibilities and flavours to discover. Just browse through my posts. I hope you find something you like!